Calculate multiple injury claims

Multiple injuries can lead to one or more of the following classes of impairment:

  • permanent physical impairment
  • permanent psychiatric impairment.
Combining entitlements

If a worker has suffered multiple injuries in a single work-related An injury/disease is work related if it arose out of or in the course of employment and the scope of employment. incident, the assessments for each impairment must be combined using the Combined Values Chart for two impairments and the formula of A+B (1-A) or the Combined Values Calculator for three or more impairments to calculate the total whole person impairment percentage.

If two impairments are to be combined, the Impairment Specialist A suitably qualified person at the agent or self-insurer, such as an IB Specialist or WPI specialist, who is responsible for managing the end-to-end impairment determination process for workers in accordance with the requirements of the legislation. Suitably qualified means at a minimum, having completed AMA4 Guides training and applied those Guides at an operational level should use the Combined Values Chart.

If three or more impairments are to be combined, the combining formula of A+B (1-A) must be applied.

It is important not to round any of the values before the final value being established. Use of the Combined Values Calculator will ensure the final combined value is accurate.

If there is a non-economic loss compensable impairment and a corresponding no disadvantage compensable impairment the two must be calculated separately and then combined together for the final amount of compensation for impairment.

Note: The final compensation is capped at $741,000 (indexed annually).

Multiple injuries on different occasions

If a worker has sustained multiple injuries arising from different events or circumstances, entitlements for these must be calculated separately, in chronological order.

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